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Product segments

Cleaning technology

For excellent results: highly efficient Sweepmaster sweepers and vacuum sweepers as well as individually configurable Scrubmaster scrubber-driers and combi machines – available as walk-behind or ride-on variants.

Effiziente Kommunaltechnik für jede Herausforderung

Municipal technology

For economically efficient all-season use: from Citymaster sweepers with additional benefits and multifunctional Multicar load and implement carriers to all-electric solutions for the future.

Waterjet technology

With high application diversitys: professional Oertzen hot and cold water high-pressure cleaners as well as Weco weed control units with add-on functions.

We have what you need!

Contact us directly or make an appointment with the Hako Partner near you. Together we will work out a solution that exactly fits your application area and challenges!