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New 2- or 3-broom comfort sweeping technology

Smallest turning circle in its class

Increased driving and operating comfort

Citymaster 1650

Multifunctional outdoor cleaning machine in the 3.5-t class

New 2- or 3-broom comfort sweeping technology

Smallest turning circle in its class

Increased driving and operating comfort

EUnited-Zertifizierung für PM 2.5 und PM 10 – Höchste Umweltstandards erfüllt
Das EUnited-Zertifikat erfüllt die strengen PM 2.5 und PM 10 Emissionsstandards. Erfahren Sie, wie diese Zertifizierung die Umweltfreundlichkeit und Effizienz Ihrer Straßenreinigung garantiert. Ideal für Städte, die auf Nachhaltigkeit setzen.
Kombinationsfahrzeug aus Geräteträger und Kehrmaschine säubert einen Eingangsbereich.

This professional, compact city cleaning machine with added benefits sets new standards in the 3.5-t class: for example with its articulated steering and permanent all-wheel drive, hydraulic attachment drives and full-suspension chassis. And it offers a comprehensive range of innovative features providing increased working comfort, safety and efficiency – whether used exclusively as a compact city sweeper or as a versatile implement carrier for all-season municipal application.

  • Can be driven by anyone holding a Class B driving licence
  • Low consumption and emission values
  • Efficient hydraulic attachment drive
  • Spacious cabin, increased ergonomics at the workplace
  • Full LED lighting system plus LED work light
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The premium solution for highest demands

For the operator
More driving- and operating comfort: AGR-certified for the machine’s award-winning, ergonomic design of the driver’s workplace and the back-friendly quick-change system.

For the environment
Reduced fuel consumption and fewer emissions: intelligent drives, low-emission engine with a particle filter and EUnited-certified dust-control system.  

For excellent results
Highest levels of flexibility and efficiency: multifunctional machine with a wide range of attachments and superstructures for every seasonal requirement.

Ergonomische und einfache Bedienung einer Kommunalmaschine.

Ergonomic in every detail

Even the best machine is only as efficient and capable as its operator. This is why the Citymaster 1650 has been designed as an ergonomic mobile workplace. For example with a height- and tilt-adjustable steering wheel and a comfort seat allowing individual adjustments. And it’s very comfortable to use thanks to the operating panel with functional elements integrated in the armrest.

Kommunalfahrzeug für den Einsatz in der Stadt und in Wohngebieten.

Flexible, safe, future-oriented

The Citymaster 1650 can be used on all paved surfaces in the city – without restrictions and at maximum payload. The machine’s particularly low fine dust, particle and noise emissions as well as its sophisticated safety concept allow working in inner-city and residential areas – even early in the morning or late at night.

Umrüstung einer kommunalen und professionellen Kehrmaschine.

Multifunctional working in all seasons

In addition to being used as a professional sweeper, this machine can easily and effortlessly be re-tooled for a wide range of different applications – thanks to the quick-change system allowing back-friendly and tool-free changing of attachments and superstructure and docking to the machine’s four interfaces.

Kommunaltechnik bei der Reinigung bei Nacht.


Citymaster 1650: Clever ideas for practical application

Ergonomischer Fahrersitz einer kommunalen Reinigungsmaschine.

Improved ergonomics: Extended seat options and the height-adjustable steering column ensure that the workplace can easily be adapted to the driver’s individual needs, which is yet another benefit when the vehicle is operated by different drivers. And what’s more: The fully electric foot pedals with improved ergonomics are of great benefit to everyone. 

Comfortable: The chassis is fully suspended. The driver’s seat is air-sprung and optimally adapted to the chassis. Together, these features ensure high levels of comfort to facilitate long working days and protect the vehicle from damage. 

All-automatic: The operating panel is comfortably integrated in the armrest, including additional functional elements such as the one-button operating system providing automated functional processes for machines with complex configurations.

Anschluss zum Laden von Geräten wie Smartphones im Kommunalfahrzeug.

Energized: The USB connection at the steering column allows the driver to keep his mobile phone charged, so that he can always be contacted in an emergency.

Increased safety: The fully glazed cabin offers a good view onto the working area. And the camera system increases the driver’s field of view by another 270°, which is particularly important when turning at crossroads. 

Brighter: Maintenance-free full LED lighting system with a high luminous efficacy and comparatively low power requirements; and individually configurable LED work lights for the brooms, the suction duct and the rear of the cabin.

More stable: The widely spaced articulated joint with maintenance-free bearings provides a stable connection between the front and the rear part of the vehicle. Coil springs, shock absorbers and stabilisers ensure safe driving and kerb-climbing characteristics even when the vehicle is fully loaded.

Flexible: Quick-change system with four interfaces; front coupling triangle providing easy changing of attachments; interface at the suction system; changing frame for superstructures; rear attachment frame for additional tools or accessories and a trailer coupling.

No need for a truck licence: The Citymaster 1650 offers all the characteristics and benefits of a larger sweeper but can be driven by anyone holding a Class-B driving licence.

Back-friendly: The Citymaster 1650 has been awarded the AGR quality label (by the German association Aktion Gesunder Rücken e.V.). High levels of seating comfort and flexibility as well as Hako’s quick-change system allowing easy one-man operation without the need for tools make this machine particularly back-friendly, which has been independently tested and approved by AGR. 

Environmentally friendly: The low-emission and low-consumption engine with a particle filter protects the environment and saves fuel. The machine’s dust-control system has been independently tested and certified according to EUnited.


Multifunctional: For all-season use

The Citymaster 1650 has been designed for all-season application to provide maximum flexibilty and economic efficiency. In months with fewer sweeping tasks or when the sweeper can’t be used at all due to bad weather conditions, the machine offers additional application options such as

• winter services
• various applications in the field of grounds- and road side greenery maintenance
• intensive yet gentle wet cleaning of heavily soiled areas


Präzise und effiziente Reinigung in engen städtischen Bereichen
Der Citymaster 1650 bietet präzise und effiziente Reinigungslösungen, ideal für enge städtische Bereiche und komplexe Architektur. Entdecken Sie, wie diese vielseitige Kehrmaschine Ihre städtischen Reinigungsaufgaben optimiert und für saubere, gepflegte Umgebungen sorgt.
Effiziente Schneeräumung im Winterdienst mit leistungsstarker Schneefräse
Winter service
Der Citymaster 1650 ist die ideale Lösung für den Winterdienst in städtischen und kommunalen Bereichen. Ausgestattet mit einer leistungsstarken Schneefräse, ermöglicht er eine effiziente Schneeräumung auch bei schwierigen Bedingungen. Perfekt für die sichere und schnelle Räumung von Wegen und Straßen.
Präzise und effiziente Grünflächenpflege mit moderner Mähtechnik
Green area maintenance
Der Citymaster 1650 bietet präzise und effiziente Lösungen für die Pflege von Grünflächen in städtischen und kommunalen Bereichen. Mit seiner modernen Mähtechnik sorgt er für gepflegte Parks und Rasenflächen. Entdecken Sie, wie dieses Fahrzeug Ihre Grünpflegeprozesse optimiert.
Hochleistungsfähige Nassreinigung mit innovativer Bürstentechnologie
Intensive cleaning
Der Citymaster 1650 bietet eine hochleistungsfähige Nassreinigung dank innovativer Bürstentechnologie. Ideal für die effiziente und gründliche Reinigung von städtischen Flächen. Entdecken Sie, wie diese moderne Technik Ihre kommunalen Reinigungsprozesse optimieren kann.
Kommunalfahrzeug bei der Säuberung von Wegen im öffentlichen Raum.
Der Citymaster 1650 ist eine vielseitige und leistungsstarke Kehrmaschine, die speziell für kommunale Reinigungsaufgaben entwickelt wurde. Mit modernster Technik und multifunktionalem Design bietet er effiziente Lösungen für die Straßenreinigung in städtischen Gebieten.
Multifunktionaler Winterdienst mit robustem Schneeschieber
Der Citymaster 1650 ist die ideale Lösung für den Winterdienst in städtischen Gebieten. Ausgestattet mit einem robusten Schneeschieber, ermöglicht er eine effiziente Schneeräumung. Perfekt für den kommunalen Einsatz bei winterlichen Bedingungen.
Vielseitige Grünflächenpflege mit leistungsstarker Mähtechnik
Der Citymaster 1650 bietet eine effiziente Lösung für die Pflege von Grünflächen in städtischen und kommunalen Bereichen. Ausgestattet mit moderner Mähtechnik, sorgt dieses multifunktionale Fahrzeug für eine präzise und zuverlässige Instandhaltung von Parks und Grünanlagen.
Kommunalfahrzeug beim Nassreinigen und beim Beseitigen von Ölspuren.
Der Citymaster 1650 ist Ihr zuverlässiger Partner für die Nassreinigung in städtischen Bereichen. Ausgestattet mit dem multifunktionalen CityCleaner, sorgt er für eine gründliche und effiziente Reinigung von Straßen und Plätzen. Ideal für Kommunen, die auf Sauberkeit und Effizienz setzen.

Sweeper with 2- or 3-broom systems


As a professional sweeper equipped with a 2- or 3-broom comfort sweeping system, the Citymaster 1650 not only provides perfect cleaning results: Our patented circulating water system offers maximum dust control to ensure clean exhaust air and lowest possible particle and fine dust emissions, which is a clear benefit for both the operator’s health and the immediate surroundings.

Perfect results on all levels

  • The brooms with hydraulic broom-head-adjustment system can be adapted to different types of gutters.
  • The pre-sweep broom can also be used for second-level cleaning of footpaths or even traffic islands.
  • Thanks to the double-joint broom arm, there is no need to adjust the unit when changing from sweeping one side of the road to the other. 


Sweeping up, sucking in, and carting off dirt and debris

  • The tangential suction system with an energy-saving blower ensures that dirt and debris is reliably collected while the sweeping system goes easy on pavements and joints.
  • Our efficient separation system provides maximum filling of the universal hopper – for extended emptying intervals.


Weed control without chemicals

  • The weed broom provides mechanical removal and collection of weeds.

Perfectly equipped to fight ice and snow


Whether clearing snow or fighting black ice: In the winter, the Citymaster 1650’s uncompromising multifunctionality unleashes significant efficiency and economic advantages.

Snow clearing with the Citymaster 1650

With the Citymaster 1650, cities and municipalities are perfectly equipped for snow clearing tasks. A wide range of suitable snowploughs, universal front sweepers or single-purpose snow sweepers are available for every possible application to allow flexible adaptation to different amounts of snow and weather conditions. In addition, our rotary snowploughs, available in tiered performance classes, can cope with even extremely large amounts of snow.

Fighting black ice with our high-performance solutions

Equipped with a loading bed, a rear-mounted gritter or a top-mounted silo gritter, the Citymaster 1650 can be easily adapted to meet individual requirements in the field of salting and gritting. 

  • Whether using sand, grit, granulate or salt – you can choose from our selection of cylindrical gritters for use on footpaths, combi gritters for use in car parks, or silo gritters in tiered performance classes. 
  • In addition, a brine spraying system is available for special applications.

Green area maintenance: versatile use, high area coverage


From mowing grass and cutting back roadside greenery to maintaining sports grounds and public parks: The Citymaster 1650 is ideally suited for every green-area maintenance task.

Mowing-suction combi with a universal hopper

The Citymaster 1650’s universal hopper can also be used for lawn mowing tasks. The central suction system ensures that roadside greenery can be safely maintained without interfering with the flow of traffic, and allows working close to kerbs on either side of the road. The vacuum suction system is wear-free and easy to clean. Blockages are reduced to a minimum. The vacuum ensures compacting of the grass. And yet another advantage: The compact mower can also be used as rear-discharge mower or a mulch mower.

Citymaster 1650: maintains large intensive and extensive areas

The Citymaster 1650 provides versatile use on large areas. Equipped with suitable attachments, this machine always offers the right solution.  

  • Large-area rotary mowers, available as a rear-discharge or a mulch mower: for demanding maintenance tasks in public parks or on sports fields
  • Different flail/ mulch mowers: for extensive yet less frequently used areas requiring little maintenance

Citymaster 1650 CityCleaner: wet cleaning and oil spill removal


Equipped with the CityCleaner scrub deck attachment, the Citymaster 1650 turns into a powerful machine providing intensive wet cleaning, and can also be used for the efficient removal of oil spills.

Intensive cleaning: gentle yet effective

Equipped with the CityCleaner scrub deck, the Citymaster 1650 provides powerful wet cleaning while going easy on joints and surfaces. The machine can be used on both asphalt and concrete surfaces as well as on simple or high-quality paving and on coated floors as used, for example, in multi-storey car parks. 

  • Fully integrated in the quick-change system
  • Ready to use in no time at all when combined with the universal hopper
  • Fresh and circulating water system for long operating times


Oil spill removal

The Citymaster 1650 CityCleaner has been independently certified for its suitability to clean traffic areas after accidents involving oil spills.  Independently tested: Traffic safety is reliably restored after just a single application. Oil, particles and recovered water are collected in the universal hopper. 

  • Pre-cleaning with circulating water and simultaneous intake of particles (up to 25 mm)
  • Post-cleaning with fresh water
  • Specially formulated cleaning chemicals
Kommunalfahrzeug bei der Säuberung von Wegen im öffentlichen Raum.
Der Citymaster 1650 ist eine vielseitige und leistungsstarke Kehrmaschine, die speziell für kommunale Reinigungsaufgaben entwickelt wurde. Mit modernster Technik und multifunktionalem Design bietet er effiziente Lösungen für die Straßenreinigung in städtischen Gebieten.

Sweeper with 2- or 3-broom systems


As a professional sweeper equipped with a 2- or 3-broom comfort sweeping system, the Citymaster 1650 not only provides perfect cleaning results: Our patented circulating water system offers maximum dust control to ensure clean exhaust air and lowest possible particle and fine dust emissions, which is a clear benefit for both the operator’s health and the immediate surroundings.

Perfect results on all levels

  • The brooms with hydraulic broom-head-adjustment system can be adapted to different types of gutters.
  • The pre-sweep broom can also be used for second-level cleaning of footpaths or even traffic islands.
  • Thanks to the double-joint broom arm, there is no need to adjust the unit when changing from sweeping one side of the road to the other. 


Sweeping up, sucking in, and carting off dirt and debris

  • The tangential suction system with an energy-saving blower ensures that dirt and debris is reliably collected while the sweeping system goes easy on pavements and joints.
  • Our efficient separation system provides maximum filling of the universal hopper – for extended emptying intervals.


Weed control without chemicals

  • The weed broom provides mechanical removal and collection of weeds.
Multifunktionaler Winterdienst mit robustem Schneeschieber
Der Citymaster 1650 ist die ideale Lösung für den Winterdienst in städtischen Gebieten. Ausgestattet mit einem robusten Schneeschieber, ermöglicht er eine effiziente Schneeräumung. Perfekt für den kommunalen Einsatz bei winterlichen Bedingungen.

Perfectly equipped to fight ice and snow


Whether clearing snow or fighting black ice: In the winter, the Citymaster 1650’s uncompromising multifunctionality unleashes significant efficiency and economic advantages.

Snow clearing with the Citymaster 1650

With the Citymaster 1650, cities and municipalities are perfectly equipped for snow clearing tasks. A wide range of suitable snowploughs, universal front sweepers or single-purpose snow sweepers are available for every possible application to allow flexible adaptation to different amounts of snow and weather conditions. In addition, our rotary snowploughs, available in tiered performance classes, can cope with even extremely large amounts of snow.

Fighting black ice with our high-performance solutions

Equipped with a loading bed, a rear-mounted gritter or a top-mounted silo gritter, the Citymaster 1650 can be easily adapted to meet individual requirements in the field of salting and gritting. 

  • Whether using sand, grit, granulate or salt – you can choose from our selection of cylindrical gritters for use on footpaths, combi gritters for use in car parks, or silo gritters in tiered performance classes. 
  • In addition, a brine spraying system is available for special applications.
Vielseitige Grünflächenpflege mit leistungsstarker Mähtechnik
Der Citymaster 1650 bietet eine effiziente Lösung für die Pflege von Grünflächen in städtischen und kommunalen Bereichen. Ausgestattet mit moderner Mähtechnik, sorgt dieses multifunktionale Fahrzeug für eine präzise und zuverlässige Instandhaltung von Parks und Grünanlagen.

Green area maintenance: versatile use, high area coverage


From mowing grass and cutting back roadside greenery to maintaining sports grounds and public parks: The Citymaster 1650 is ideally suited for every green-area maintenance task.

Mowing-suction combi with a universal hopper

The Citymaster 1650’s universal hopper can also be used for lawn mowing tasks. The central suction system ensures that roadside greenery can be safely maintained without interfering with the flow of traffic, and allows working close to kerbs on either side of the road. The vacuum suction system is wear-free and easy to clean. Blockages are reduced to a minimum. The vacuum ensures compacting of the grass. And yet another advantage: The compact mower can also be used as rear-discharge mower or a mulch mower.

Citymaster 1650: maintains large intensive and extensive areas

The Citymaster 1650 provides versatile use on large areas. Equipped with suitable attachments, this machine always offers the right solution.  

  • Large-area rotary mowers, available as a rear-discharge or a mulch mower: for demanding maintenance tasks in public parks or on sports fields
  • Different flail/ mulch mowers: for extensive yet less frequently used areas requiring little maintenance
Kommunalfahrzeug beim Nassreinigen und beim Beseitigen von Ölspuren.
Der Citymaster 1650 ist Ihr zuverlässiger Partner für die Nassreinigung in städtischen Bereichen. Ausgestattet mit dem multifunktionalen CityCleaner, sorgt er für eine gründliche und effiziente Reinigung von Straßen und Plätzen. Ideal für Kommunen, die auf Sauberkeit und Effizienz setzen.

Citymaster 1650 CityCleaner: wet cleaning and oil spill removal


Equipped with the CityCleaner scrub deck attachment, the Citymaster 1650 turns into a powerful machine providing intensive wet cleaning, and can also be used for the efficient removal of oil spills.

Intensive cleaning: gentle yet effective

Equipped with the CityCleaner scrub deck, the Citymaster 1650 provides powerful wet cleaning while going easy on joints and surfaces. The machine can be used on both asphalt and concrete surfaces as well as on simple or high-quality paving and on coated floors as used, for example, in multi-storey car parks. 

  • Fully integrated in the quick-change system
  • Ready to use in no time at all when combined with the universal hopper
  • Fresh and circulating water system for long operating times


Oil spill removal

The Citymaster 1650 CityCleaner has been independently certified for its suitability to clean traffic areas after accidents involving oil spills.  Independently tested: Traffic safety is reliably restored after just a single application. Oil, particles and recovered water are collected in the universal hopper. 

  • Pre-cleaning with circulating water and simultaneous intake of particles (up to 25 mm)
  • Post-cleaning with fresh water
  • Specially formulated cleaning chemicals


Wet cleaning

Winter service

Green area maintenance


Powerful team with Waterjet Technology

Cold and hot water high-pressure cleaners as well as waterjet systems with multiple benefits are the perfect complement to the Citymaster 1650, for example, in large-scale municipal use or green area maintenance.

Full steam ahead: Oertzen cold and hot water high-pressure cleaners

The compact, high-performance Oertzen high-pressure cleanerscan be quickly transported from job site to job site on the loading platform of the Citymaster 1650 and used for many purposes, e.g.:

  • Cleaning of stubborn dirt
  • Removal of oil and dust residues, paint or rust
  • Pipe or container cleaning

Many tasks, one solution: the Weco M900 City


The Weco M900 City waterjet system with multiple benefits is optimally matched to the Citymaster 1650 – for the completion of several tasks in one operation, for example:

  • Ecological weed control in continuous, optimally tempered hot water application at 99.6 °C
  • Cold and hot water high-pressure cleaning
  • Watering of plants

Technical data

Citymaster 1650 at a glance

Citymaster 1650
Engine (type, emission standard, exhaust gas treatment)Diesel, 55kW, Stage V, DOC, DPF
Type approval / driving licenceTractor T2a, Class B
DriveHydrostat, 4x4, 40 km/h
Chassis and steeringchassis with fully hydraulic articulated steering, fully suspended chassis with coil springs and shock absorbers, attachment quick-change system
Tyres225/70 R15C // 255/65 R16 // 320/55-15 T559
Braking systemdisc brake at the front, integrated parking brake at the rear
CabinROPS-tested 1-person safety comfort cabin, safety glazing. 2 doors with sliding windows, hot water heating / air conditioning (option).
Unladen weights2035 kg / 2570 kg / 2690 kg / 2570 kg (Total weight/2B/3B/CC)
Permissible weights3500 kg / 1700 kg / 2400 kg (GVW/VA/HA)
Dimensions3830 x 1210 x 1970 mm
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